on air
  • Cookie policy


    At General Pop, the protection of your personal data is a priority!

    When the User (or “You”, “Your”) browses the Prod General Pop website https://prod.generalpop.com/fr/ (the “Website”), cookies or other trackers or similar technologies (hereinafter the “cookies”) may be installed on the User's browser subject to the choices and options that the User has expressed or may express at any time in accordance with this Cookies policy. These cookies and this data collected through this means are used by General Pop (the “Company”) as well as by Google companies.

    Our Cookies policy explains what cookies refer to, indicates the types of cookies we use on the Website and specifies the rights you have with regard to accepting or refusing to install cookies.

    2. WHAT IS A “COOKIE”?

    A cookie is a small file for the storage and recovery of information, usually made up of alphanumeric characters (see letters and numbers), placed by a web server on the User's computer or electronic device to send status information to said browser and obtain the same information back from the browser. For example, status information may be a session ID, language, expiry date, field of response, etc.

    Cookies usually allow to obtain certain information about the user's browsing habits, his/her computer or his/her device, in order to improve the content and service offered by the website in question, to know the traffic of the said website and to provide Internet users with personalised services.

    The concept of cookies as used in this Cookies policy covers all types of trackers or similar technologies, for example:
    • HTTP cookies;
    • but also the use of other techniques:
    o local shared objects sometimes called “Flash cookies”;
    o the local storage implemented within HTML 5;
    o device fingerprinting;
    o IDs generated by the operating systems (whether advertising or not: IDFA, IDFV, Android ID, etc.);
    o material IDs (MAC address, serial number or any other device ID).
    In any event, cookies may be:
    • session cookies, that disappear as soon as the User leaves the browser or the Website;
    • permanent cookies that remain until their duration or validity expires, or until the User deletes them through the features of his/her browser for example or through the cookie management module made available on our Website.


    There are two main categories of cookies, subject to different legal regimes.

    a) Strictly necessary cookies not subject to the User's consent

    Strictly necessary cookies are solely intended to (i) enable or facilitate electronic communication on, from or to the Website or (ii) to enable the provision of an online communication service at the express request of the Website User.
    Without them, the recording of services and the connection are either not possible or in a degraded mode. In fact, if You disable these cookies for example using the features offered by Your browser, You may not be able to access the Website, and/or to correctly receive the content and information available on the Website and/or You may not be able to benefit from all the features of the Website.
    These cookies are exempt from the need for General Pop to request Your consent to their installation. General Pop may thus use those cookies which are essential to browse the Website and/or strictly necessary for the provision of certain services without seeking Your prior consent.

    b) Other cookies subject in principle to the consent of the User

    Statistical cookies: these cookies allow to establish statistics and traffic and use volumes of the various elements of our website and application (sections and content visited, path, visit times), allowing us to improve the interest and user-friendliness of Our services.

    The use of other cookies as referred to in this section b) is subject in principle to the User's prior consent, and the User is free to (i) accept them by expressly consenting to their installation and reading in his/her browser (it being specified that the latter will then have the option to withdraw his/her consent at any time under the conditions and in accordance with the terms referred to in section 4 below), (ii) or refuse them.

    When Your prior consent is required (that is, for all cookies other than those strictly necessary), the validity period for consent to the placement of cookies is 6 months. At the end of this period, We will seek your consent to (or refusal of) the installation of such cookies again.
    Information collected through cookies is kept by General Pop for a maximum period of 25 months, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

    You can consult the list of cookies used and their purposes and storage periods at any time by clicking on the following link: cookies used to change your choices.




    During Your first visit to our Website or if You have not made a choice regarding the management of cookies during Your previous visits to our Website, Your consent to the placement of cookies and the reading of your data by them will be requested through an information banner that will be displayed visibly on the page visited.
    Also, during the User's first visit to the Website, he/she is asked if he/she accepts cookies that require his/her consent, classified into different categories according to the intended purpose, before installing them on his/her computer or device. Cookies subject to such consent are only placed if the User expressly accepts them by ticking the box(es) and/or button(s) and/or sliders dedicated to each category of cookies concerned within our cookie management module (see the module intended to enable the User to consent to the use of cookies or refuse such use, according to the intended purpose of these cookies).
    This banner will present in a simple and clear manner all the purposes of the cookies as well as the data controllers (which may be presented by category, where applicable).
    a) Description of the Cookie Management Module:

    • The Cookie Management Module is displayed when the User first connects to our Website or if the User has not made a choice regarding the management of cookies during his/her previous visits to our Website;

    • In cases where Your consent is required, such consent is strictly optional, and You may absolutely refuse to give it to us. If you give Your consent to the installation and reading of these cookies, You have the option to withdraw Your consent at any time through the Cookie Management Module.
    • Thanks to the buttons (set, accept all, refuse all), You may set and customise the use of cookies so that we can only place and read cookies on your computer or other devices with your consent. A “set” button on this banner will allow you to obtain a detailed description of the categories of cookies used and thus to choose whether or not you consent to each purpose. The Cookie Management Module offers You the following choices:
    o to either completely agree with the use of all cookies by clicking on “accept all”;
    o or to completely refuse the use of all cookies subject to consent by clicking on “refuse all”;
    o or customise their choices by purpose by clicking on: “settings”
    o the User must then save his/her choices by clicking on “Accept this setting”.
    • The User may also decide to postpone his/her choice by clicking on the closing cross of the Cookie Management Module or outside this module, it being specified that, in this case, he/she will be asked again to express his/her choices in terms of cookies through the cookie management module on each subsequent visit to our Website, as long as he/she has not made an explicit choice in terms of cookies.
    In any case, You may receive information at any time about the cookies used on the Website, but also change the settings of your cookies to accept or refuse them or withdraw Your consent by clicking on the following links: change your Consent or delete your Consent and thus freely withdraw your consent.
    To access our Cookie Management Module, click here.

    With respect to Google Analytics, You may set the use of the data created by these cookies in connection with the use of our Website as described in section 6.

    b) Alternative – Cookie management setting via the browsers
    Each web browser offers different setting methods to manage cookies.

    For example:
    • For more information on the Google Chrome browser: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=fr&hlrm=en;
    • For more information on the Firefox browser: https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/autoriser-bloquer-cookies-preferences-sites?redirectlocale=fr&redirectslug=activer-desactiver-cookies-preferences and https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/desactiver-cookies-tiers;
    • For more information on the Internet Explorer browser: https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies;
    • For more information on the Safari browser: https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/fr-ww/cookies/ and https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/fr-ww/;
    • For more information on the Edge browser: https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/4468242/microsoft-edge-browsing-data-and-privacy-microsoft-privacy;
    • For Opera™: https://help.opera.com/en/latest/security-and-privacy/ and https://help.opera.com/en/latest/web-preferences/#cookies.

    We nevertheless draw your attention to the fact that in the current state of the art, browsers:
    • do not all allow to distinguish cookies according to their purposes (the consequence of which is that you often have to “accept all” or “refuse all” when setting your choices);
    • do not all allow the User to express a valid consent (the consequence of which is that despite the fact that you may have consented to cookies via your browser, we will ask for your specific consent again under the aforementioned terms and conditions prior to any installation / reading by us of cookies subject to your consent);
    • do not all allow to express a choice on technologies other than “cookies for the purpose of tracking the browsing” in the strict sense of the term. It is also possible that certain cookies, trackers or other similar technologies may not be blocked in principle (e.g.: device fingerprinting) and can still be installed and/or activated despite your refusal expressed as part of the setting of your browser.

    We therefore recommend that you favour the use of the module in order to express your cookie choices on the Website.

    However, if you decide to refuse cookies, we will not be held liable in the event of a degraded operation of the Website related to the settings you have chosen.

    Finally, if you have deactivated one or more cookies, we may still use the information collected by these cookies before their deactivation. However, we will cease to collect data through the refused cookie.

    c) Use of third-party tools available online
    You can obtain information on how to control your data when browsing on the Internet on the website of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés or “CNIL” (https://www.cnil.fr/fr/maitriser-mes-donnees, in particular https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-les-outils-pour-les-maitriser). In relation to this topic, third-party cookies are usually not necessary to benefit from the resources available on the Internet. If you want to limit your traces, it is recommended that you refuse them by default, by referring to the advice of the CNIL.


    Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google LLC (“Google”). As a general rule, the information generated by cookies relating to your use of this website will be transferred to a Google server located in the United States and stored on this very server.
    Google will use this information on our behalf to analyse your use of the Website, to report on the activity of the Websites and to provide us with additional services related to the use of the Website and the use of the Internet in general. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data.
    You may refuse to use the data created by these cookies in connection with the use of our Website (notably your IP address) and the processing of such data by Google, by downloading and installing the plug-in available under the following link on your browser: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=fr

    You will find more information about how Google uses your data and how Google Analytics operates in the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use available under the following link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=fr-CA or on Data Security and Privacy / Data Protection: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=fr.


    If you have any questions regarding this Policy, you may contact our Data Protection Officer (or DPO):
    • by email: dpo@betc.com
    • by mail: Prod General Pop – Délégué à la protection des données – 3 rue de l’Ancien Canal – 93500 Pantin


    This Policy is part of our Privacy Policy and may be updated periodically to reflect changes to our privacy practices and to comply with legal requirements.